护理工作 Nursing work



医院简介(Hospital Introduction)


医院临床医学研究中心共14层,总面积约14000平方米,包含实验技术平台9个,拥有高速转盘共聚焦显微镜(活细胞工作站)Andorrevolution XD、BDFACSCanto II 流式细胞分析仪等大型仪器、设备。除此之外,包含2个核心期刊编辑部,2个国际期刊编辑部和图书馆,医院图书馆藏书两万余册。


Foundedin 1904, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital (HPPH) has 117 years of history.HPPH is among the TOP 100 Hospitals in China and has a pool oftalents with 2631 with PhD and master degree, 11 Central China 1000 Plantalents, 36 enjoying State Council allowance, 49 high-level talents, and 30full-time researchers. HPPH enjoys great reputation in medical technology,education and training, research innovation, talent cultivation,patient experience andcultural construction. The hospital has 11 National Key Clinical SpecialtyConstruction Projects, 2 Key Laboratories of National HealthCommission, 5 academician workstations, 7 provincial keylaboratories, 17 engineering labs approved by Henan Provincial Commission ofDevelopment and Reform, 8 engineering technology research centers approved byHenan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, 12 international jointlaboratories, and 36 department level key laboratories, with a total of 87laboratories. 

Theclinical medical research center of the hospital has 14 floors, with a totalarea of about 14,000 square meters. It includes 9 experimental technologyplatforms. It is equipped with many large-scale advanced types of equipment,such as a high-speed rotary confocal microscope (living cell workstation) Andorrevolution XD, BD FACSCanto II flow cytometryanalyzer and so on. In addition, the hospital is equipped with 2 core journaleditorial offices, 2 international journal editorial offices and a library,which stores more than 20,000 books.

HPPHhas been awarded by the Provincial Postdoctoral Commission as an Excellent Postdoctor Workstation consecutivelytwice.

护理概况(Nursing Discipline Situation)




Thecentury-old history has created the rich nursing culture of HPPH. In 2011, thenursing specialty of HPPH was selected into the national key clinical nursingspecialty construction project, which was the only selected unit in HenanProvince. At present, there are 142 nurses with senior professional titles, 42master's supervisors, 195 nurses with master's degree or above (including 2doctors' degree). The hospital has 3 national specialized nurse training bases,13 provincial specialized nurse training bases, 3 Henan Provincial keydisciplines, 3 Henan Provincial key cultivation disciplines, and 10 clinicalteaching construction bases for specialized nurses of the Chinese NursingAssociation outside Beijing. Henan Provincial Nursing Quality Control Center,Henan Provincial Hospital Sterilization and Supply Quality Control Center, andHenan Provincial Operating Department (room) Nursing Quality Control Center had beenapproved by the Health Commission of Henan Province and established in HPPH.

In2020, the hospital was approved as the Henan Provincial Key Medicine Laboratoryof Nursing, which is the first key laboratory of nursing medicine in HenanProvince. Relying on four research platforms (clinical nursing experimentalplatform, fundamental research platform, virtual simulation experimentalplatform and geriatric nursing experimental platform), the laboratory hasformed three research directions: chronic disease and health management,critical care and disaster nursing, and geriatric nursing.

The nursing team of HPPH is forging ahead with unity andinnovation. As a banner of the nursing industry in Henan Province, the hospitalis committed to achieving the goal of "leading in Henan Province,first-class in China, and well-known internationally" in nursingdiscipline construction.

导师介绍(Supervisor Introduction)



Hongmei Zhang, Female, Discipline Leader, Chief Nurse,Master Tutor. Director of Nursing Department of HPPH. Director of HenanProvincial Key Medicine Laboratory of Nursing and Clinical Nursing Teaching andResearch Section. Member of the 27th Council of the Chinese NursingAssociation, Experts of Decision Making Consulting ThinkTank, Member of theChinese Nursing Association Specialized Committee on Internal Medicine Nursing,Member of Information Work Committee of the Chinese Nursing Association,Experts of Science Popularization Team, Member of the China Life CareAssociation Humane Care Professional Committee, Deputy Secretary General ofHenan Nursing Association, Chairman of the 10th Committee of the InternalMedicine Nursing Branch of the Institute of Nursing of Henan Province, HonoraryChairman and Chairman of the Youth Commission of the Henan Provincial NursingAssociation Interventional Nursing Specialist Branch. Deputy editor in chief ofChinese Nursing Management magazine. Editorial board member of Chinese Journalof Nursing, Journal of Nursing Training, Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing,Journal of Qilu Nursing. Reviewer of Chinese Journal of Nursing, ChineseJournal of Modern Nursing, etc. She has published more than 100 academicpapers, edited and deputy edited 8 nursing monographs, participated in editing3 nursing monographs, presided over 4 provincial and department levelscientific research projects and been selected into the "23456"Talent Project of the hospital and has a research fund of more than 3 millionRMB. Awarded the National Outstanding Nursing Workers in Chinese NursingAssociation, Excellent Nurses in Provincial General Hospitals, Women's Model ofMay Day in Henan Province, Excellent Nurses in Henan Province, etc.

The scientific research team of Director Hongmei Zhanghas 14 postgraduates. The main research directions include nursing management,interventional nursing, chronic disease and health management, and humanisticnursing. Due to the need for research work, the research team is nowrecruiting 1-2 postdoctoral researchers in related research fields. Thehospital will provide an excellent research working environment and competitivetreatment conditions. We sincerely invite talents from home and abroad to joinus.

申请条件(Application Requirement)




1. Ph.D. degree required and generally graduated for nomore than 3 years; with good moral quality and in good health; normally agedbelow 35 years old, for extremely excellent candidates, no more than 40 yearsold;

2. Meeting national and provincial standards forpostdoctoral recruitment, with strong research and academic ability andpotential;

3. Recruitment majors: Nursing, Clinical Medicine, PublicHealth and Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Statistics.

薪酬福利(Salary and Welfare)





      1.Competitive financial benefits: based on the research task undertaken, thepostdoctoral researcher will be able to receive about 210,000-310,000 RMBof annual salary (including 60,000 RMB as allowance from supervisor’s researchfund); the income is after tax; 
       2. Generous research fund: 300,000 RMB as initial research fund;

3.Postdoctors shall work full time in the hospital, and enjoy hospital benefitsas full-time employees. The excellent postdoctoral researcher mightbe hired as official employees when the contract expires;

4.Enjoying hospital apartment or monthly housing allowance.

申请流程(Application Process)


If interested, please send a resume in Word or PDF formatto synursingresearch@163.com. In the resume, please list all the paperspublished as first author or correspondence authors and the Impact Factor.

联系方式(Contact Information)

联系人:刘老师     13663005075

             石老师     0371-87160955


Ms. Liu(+86 13663005075)

Ms. Shi(+86 0371-87160955)

Contact Email: synursingresearch@163.com
